Mentor's Message

“An educational system is worth a great deal if it teaches young minds how to make a life rather than just making a living.”
I am pleased to share with you Greater Valley School an endeavour of B.A.G Films & Media Ltd. situated in the heart of the township of Greater Noida, the school offers students an environment to learn beyond textual facts and an experience to last a lifetime.
A school is indeed the foundation of an individual’s life. It is the sacred area where a child’s emotional and intellectual quotient is drawn. Students practice and play, learn and live and build the foundations of their life. We at Greater Valley School are committed to giving each one of our students an education and a learning experience of a lifetime. Here, we go beyond the boundaries of books and trek the unseen. We inspire and enthuse, encouraging young minds to think, question and imagine. In the friendly atmosphere and comfort of our classrooms, we strive to make learning a joyous experience and a process that every child looks forward to.
Greater Valley School aims to be the world’s finest private K-12 education providers in the NCR Region of India. We have proven skills in delivering holistic education to our students & under our able administrative & academic teams, you are assured that the delivery of education in our school is innovative, constantly monitored, reviewed and of high quality international standards. We take pride in offering the best education system to our students through our unique curriculum.
I hereby invite you to make your child a part of this institution of learning and growing. I invite you all to be part of the Greater Valley School experience.
Anurradha Prasad
Chairperson & Managing Director


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