Chairman's Message

Our school, its building indeed holds a special place in my life. With the placement of each building block I have dreamed of being a part of this institution that will continue to provide high standard of education to this generation and many more to come.There is no joy more profound that I feel, than seeing where Greater Valley School has reached and that has now several major strengths:
  • 1. A solid academic programme,
  • 2. A child centered approach,
  • 3. Sensitivity to respond to the changing needs of the education sector
  • 4. An unbeatable and positively infectious ambience.
At Greater Valley School we endeavor to provide a well-rounded educational experience that will prepare our students to pursue confidently the journey of their lives.I strongly believe in education: that enables children to have a sound mind inside a strong body governed by a compassionate and driven heart. Keeping this in mind a holistic approach is integrated into every aspect of school life to develop strong personalities.We are constantly upgrading technology in our classrooms to keep the students abreast with modern teaching methods. Emphasis on reading and articulate communication is an integral part of the curriculum as well. Students have an opportunity to imbibe character building qualities like sportsmanship and team spirit by participating in sports of their predilection at our world class sports arena.I am proud to see the association of our parents at every step to help build a strong community.
I wish to provide our students a lifelong experience that not only prepares them for the next step in their lives but also inculcates a genuine feeling of respect and belonging towards their school.
God Bless!
Mr. Sudhir Shukla


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