“For me, becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.”
As we step into the Academic Session 2023-24, I extend my heartiest wishes and a warm welcome to all students and parents in this illustrious journey of learning and growing here at GVS.
A lot of thought and effort is put in every session, towards establishing a school wide vision, of commitment to high standards, achieving academic success and holistic well-being of all our students. In our school we pay utmost attention towards ensuring academic success of our students while also supporting them in all kinds of co-scholastic affiliations and opportunities to help them thrive and pave a positive pathway into their future. We thoughtfully engage in achieving amongst our students positive emotions, joy of learning, gratitude, meaningful engagement, mindfulness, persistence, curiosity, optimism, high principles and good health to edify their overall well-being.
At GVS, with the commencement of each academic year we consciously focus on adding in effective educational resources into our curriculum to fortify effective implementation of latest ideas, learning and teaching within our classrooms. With technology becoming an advantageous and prominent way to promote learning, the school has inducted the dynamic course of Augmented Reality-Virtual Reality (AR-VR) under the ATL banner from this session. AR-VR bridge the digital and physical worlds by allowing one to take in information and content visually, in the same way you take in the world. While AR augments a real-world scene, VR creates an immersive virtual environment, which most definitely will help our students understand and interact more effectively through its immersive learning. I am also thrilled to announce that the engaging course of artificial intelligence and coding will now be a part of our students’ timetable from Cass I upwards and I’m confident that an amalgamation of all these enticing new courses will make learning more exciting, enjoyable and elevate the overall performance of the class by creating growth and new opportunities.
Achievements are the building blocks that empower each one of us to introspect, evolve, advance and succeed as we construct a sense of self. I feel immensely blessed to have positively steered the past session into the direction of our students’ dreams and goals. I am also filled with gratitude and pride with the triumphs attained by my students in all spheres; making me enthusiastically anticipate the ongoing session to be a greater accomplishment for all.
I extend my heartiest wishes to my dear students and wish them a year filled with blessings and success. May they amplify their learning, broaden their horizons and savour in all the positivity from our incredible campus in pursuit of excellence…
Anamika Sood