Bus Fleet

Keeping in mind the convenience of our parents GVS provides school transport to most  areas and sectors across East Delhi, Noida and Greater Noida. With plans to extend this service to Indirapuram, Ghaziabad, Noida West and Crossing Republic area.

Our routes are planned for main arterial roads and we do not go into narrower colony roads. All the buses are air conditioned and the highest levels of safety and security are maintained. Each bus has staff that includes a driver and helper, a didi or a teacher till the last stop.

Over 75% GVS students use the buses on a daily basis. The school has been designed with an internal periphery road where buses are parked and students board and alight from the buses inside the school campus.

click here to download : Transport-Rules

For all transport related enquiries please contact
Mr. Ram (Transport Manager) 
Phone : +91.120.2395030, 8826261818


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